Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My Path of The Goddess

The Path that Was, the Path that Is

I stand on a precipice, looking out into the vast unknown.
The road that used to be in front of me is simply gone,
Everything from the road itself to the ground beneath it.

Nothing. Empty.

Its overwhelming, but it's also peaceful.

Staring into the open expanse I feel both panic and calm.
As I stand and stare I can hear subtle sounds rising into my mind.
Sounds that turn into voices, directions.
I feel gentle pulls and pushes, different sensations that can be described as warm and cool, bright and dark.

The warm sensations and calm, subtle voices call to me.
As I take them in, a new road takes shape;
New ground, new pavement, new signs.

I can now tell that it's always been there, but I just couldn't see it.
It was with the other road, the one I was focused on before, but invisible to me.

This new road, it looks different.
There aren't as many travelers on it.
But they look like me.

I've been on this new road for awhile now.
Sometimes it seems to fade under my feet,
Other times it seems to become more concrete.

I like this new road, this new path, this new direction.
I hope I can always see it.
I hope I can always travel on it.
I hope to get to know more of the travelers on this road
And contribute to maintaining it.

Goddess, help me keep me eyes on the signs, my feet on the road,
And my focus on you.


Friday, September 2, 2011

A Change and a Warning


I felt a change in the air today.
I felt a warning with it.

Something is coming;
Something I need to be wary of.

Goddess, please guide me through this,
As you do for all of life's challenges.

- sm